Exki France

Adresse :

118 avenue France
75013 Paris 13

Informations :

Restauration rapide

Description :

EKXi, challenging the fast food industry since 2001 The story of EXKi began in 1999, when 3 friends, Frédéric Rouvez, Nicolas Steisel and Arnaud de Meeûs, all …passionate about good food, developed the idea of a quality fast food restaurant, focusing on fresh and natural products. The first restaurant opened its doors on 9 September 2001 at Porte de Namur, in Brussels. This marked the beginning of a great adventure. EXKi, neo-restaurant rather than fast food? The term 'fast food' illustrates the nature of the EXKi menu. But living well, the foundation of the philosophy of the founders, goes beyond the borders of the kitchen and supply channels, as well as those of planning and eco-responsible maintenance of the restaurants. EXKi is more a neo-restaurant, rooted in its time. Incorporating nutrition and well-being with a real ecological and social commitment. Since its inception in 2001, EXKi has continuously innovated in order to meet the expectations of society in general, sustainable development and citizenship through the valorization of work, respect for biodiversity and responsible use of resources, among others. EXKi worldwide EXKi continues to seduce with its concept of healthy fast food. The chain now has 90 restaurants distributed over 6 countries in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany). The first restaurant opened its doors on 9 September 2001 at Porte de Namur, in Brussels. This marked the beginning of a great adventure. EXKi, neo-restaurant rather than fast food? The term 'fast food' illustrates the nature of the EXKi menu. But living well, the foundation of the philosophy of the founders, goes beyond the borders of the kitchen and supply channels, as well as those of planning and eco-responsible maintenance of the restaurants. EXKi is more a neo-restaurant, rooted in its time. Incorporating nutrition and well-being with a real ecological and social commitment. Since its inception in 2001, EXKi has continuously innovated in order to meet the expectations of society in general, sustainable development and citizenship through the valorization of work, respect for biodiversity and responsible use of resources, among others. EXKi worldwide EXKi continues to seduce with its concept of healthy fast food. The chain now has 90 restaurants distributed over 6 countries in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany).

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Horaires :

08h00 - 21h30
08h00 - 22h30
08h00 - 22h30
08h00 - 22h30
08h00 - 22h30
09h00 - 22h30
10h00 - 21h30

Localisation :

Exki France
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